Heat-to-Fuel is a Horizon 2020 EU-funded project carried out by 14 partners from across Europe that aims to deliver the next generation of biofuel production technologies supporting the de-carbonisation of the transportation sector.
The project, coordinated by the Austrian institution Güssing Energy Technologies, started in September 2017 and will last four years.
Heat-to-Fuel partners possess over 100 years of combined sectorial expertise and experience in the production of biofuels, and they’ll bring into the project the leading-edge demonstration facilities based on key industry and academic partners.

In numbers, Heat-to-fuel aims to:
- Deliver cost-competitive technologies achieving biofuel prices below €1 per litre. This is achieved by a 20% cost reduction in the biofuel production processes;
- Increase the quality of the biofuel resulting in 5% life-cycle green-house gases emissions reduction;
- Contribute to delivering goals of EU’s energy security by increasing the share of local resources used for producing energy, and thus reducing EU’s dependency of energy’s imports;
- Support local economies by generating 80-100 direct and 250 indirect jobs each time a new Heat-to-Fuel biorefinery is built;
- Prove the technological feasibility and economic worthiness of the concept acting as a catalyst of future industrial units.
These overarching objectives will be achieved thanks to the integration of novel technologies in Heat-to-Fuel together with innovative activities on design, modelling, development of hardware and processes, testing and life cycle analysis of a fully integrated system.
At the end of the project, the know-how acquired will allow scalability at a demonstration level before commercialisation, representative of the next generations of sustainable biofuel technologies.