
30th Month Consortium Meeting

The sixth meeting of Heat-to-Fuel was hosted by Johnson Matthey in their Technology Centre in  Reading, UK. It took place the days 21st and 22nd of January, 2020. Lots of interesting discussions took place in this productive meeting.

Heat-to-Fuel Consortium

During the meeting the work packages leaders presented the work carried out until now and the plan for the next 6 months. These meetings where the whole team gathers together help us to have a clear and realistic view of the developments and risks asociated to the Heat-to-Fuel project and therefore, contributes for a better and faster progress of the work.

Also, several technical discussions took place during the meeting and some interesting communication and dissemination events that the partners are planning were discussed.

In addition to the above, one different activity that took place during this event was the visit to the Johnson Matthey Technology Centre where the Consortium had the chance to discover the place.

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